I've often heard an old saying that states, "Today is what it is because yesterday is what it was, so tomorrow will be what we make of today." I believe this statement sums up retirement in the truest sense.
Whether it is 30 years away or five, retirement is coming. How you prepare today makes all the difference tomorrow.
According to the CDC, the average life expectancy for men is 75. Women, on the other hand, can anticipate making it to the age of 80. Meanwhile, the Social Security Administration allows retirees to claim benefits at 62 but doesn’t recognize full retirement until age 67 for those born in 1960 and later. Regardless of your retirement age, making your money last through retirement is essential. So what can you do to ensure that happens? With inflation on the rise, the thought of imminent retirement can be a scary thing. Of course, if you still have 15 to 20 years until retirement, this may not affect you as much. However, for those of you planning to retire in the next five to 10 years, you're probably wondering how you can protect what you have saved from inflation and market volatility. Fortunately, there's a strategy that could help make your nest egg outlive you as you enter retirement.
It's called the bucket strategy. It divides the allocation of money into three different holding areas, or "buckets" – immediate, intermediate and long-term. Let's look at how to utilize each of these bucket.